01. waiting at the airport 02. Las Ramblas 03. Ma & Pa buying bus tickets 04. Plaza de Catalunya 05. Sephora/Starbucks (I got ‘that gal’ for 20 euros!!!) 06. FINALLY found the Topshop dress I was looking for all over in the UK and got it on sale too! 07. cocktails at Hard Rock 08. Hard Rock 09. the harbour at night 10. Ma & Pa! 11. La Segrada Familia 12./13. Pap on the bus 14./15. beach! 16. beach snacks 17. mirrored roof 18. stingray 19. octopus 20. the aquarium 21. anklet 22. view from the hotel window (Las Ramblas) 23. pizza with the nicest pepperoni I’ve ever tasted 24. the harbour at day 25. nicest thing that’s ever been in my mouth 26. La Seu cathedral 27. final meal 28. plane treats 29. me & Pa on the bus 30. me & Pa at the aquarium 31. me & Ma at Häagen-Dazs 32. me & Pa on the beach