Friday, June 22, 2012


Bon Iver's self titled album is my favourite album ever, like I can listen to it on repeat and it makes me super happy and relaxed and I have no bad memories linked to any of the songs at all.
It reminds me of my Dad, and road trips because it was what we listened to all of last Autumn when we'd be in the car together, and specifically when we were driving to all my University interviews.
When they played the Apollo in October 2011, I missed out on getting tickets (they sold out super fast, I'm not sure why I didn't get one) but they've been #1 on my 'still to see' list since they released their Blood Bank EP. I found out that they were headlining Lattitude, and I begged everyone to come with me, even just for the day, but I realised it would feel really wrong seeing him/them without my Dad.
My Dad is my favourite person in the entire world, we're more like friends and I love him more than I could ever explain.

Anyway, the point of this post is that I bought Bon Iver tickets for me and my Dad this morning, and I've not been this excited for a show (okay, except Paramore at Leeds Fest) in a long long time.
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